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海源寺鄉街子,到處都是生活的煙火氣,熱鬧非凡不容錯過 The Haiyuan Temple Market is bustling and not to be missed
每逢趕街天,海源寺鄉街子不容錯過,感受濃濃煙火氣和人情味 Haiyuan Temple Township Street is not to be missed
每逢週四,海源寺趕大集不容錯過,街子上什麼都有 Don't miss the big market in Haiyuan Temple
尋找山野美食,哈馬者鄉街子不容錯過,體驗山村集市的煙火生活 Looking for delicacies, Hama Zhe Street is not to be missed
每逢週五,東三環大市集不容錯過,下雨天依舊熙熙攘攘 Don’t miss the East Third Ring Road Market every Friday
每逢週日,趕馬街春雨鄉街子,擠在喧嚷人群中尋找美味 Crowd in the market looking for delicious food
Yunnan Zhuanxin Market Spring Catch the Fair 雲南篆新市場春季趕大集,雲南人吃花的季節,人間煙火都藏在這裡
龍頭街趕大大集市,花鳥魚虫,綠植果蔬什麼都有 Catch the big market on Longtou Street
雲南秋季趕大集,漫步大觀篆新農貿市場,尋找七彩雲南的人間煙火味 The hustle and bustle of the city life is always comforting
星期四趕海源寺,雲南五華區鄉村趕大集,寺廟前趕集 go to Yunnan market
趕普吉三八街,上百年曆史的雲南鄉街子,感受老昆明市集文化 Go to Phuket 3 8 Street